Friday, September 24, 2010

Tickets For 2010 Philly Pirate Cruise On Sale Now!

Tickets for the 2010 Philly Pirate Cruise are on sale now for only $52.00, and can be purchased on the Philly Pirate Cruise Ticketing page on the website.

You can also buy your tickets this Saturday (9/25/2010) at the Philly Zombie Prom, taking place at the Trocadero Theatre.

The 8th Annual Philly Pirate Cruise
Saturday, October 23rd
Setting sail aboard The Benjamin Franklin Yacht
Callowhil St. and Delaware Ave. in Philadelphia, PA, at Pier 24 North
Boarding begins at 9:30PM
Shove-off at 10PM sharp!
We'll have scheduling information listed soon!